Client Stories: A mother and son’s plight

Danielle, a mother of a 7-year-old son and infant daughter, reached out to us with an emotional plea.

Danielle, a mother of a 7-year-old son and infant daughter, reached out to us with an emotional plea. The young family had fled a violent situation at home and Danielle and her son, Michael, were living in a shelter. Her infant daughter was in foster care until they could all be reunited.

In addition to the family being separated, Danielle was struggling to make ends meet. She was also concerned about her son who was now attending a new school. She had limited funds and resources, and she felt embarrassed by their clothing and their situation. There was an upcoming school function, and she wanted her son to fit in with the other kids. She also didn’t want to stand out from the other parents and embarrass her son with her appearance.

Danielle was relieved when she learned that NGA could help. We worked with her case worker to confirm her family’s information, their living situation, and their need, and we got right to work. Once Danielle gave us their clothing sizes, we were able to provide age- and gender-appropriate clothing for both Michael and Danielle. They were able to attend the school event without feeling judged or embarrassed.